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(705) 472-6673

Pourquoi l'alphabétisation et la formation de base?

Why literacy?


Learning the mother tongue is rooted in childhood. Lajoie and Masny report that "literacy skills develop from language skills. These skills are rooted in the social and cultural, political and economic context in which each child evolves. "


Berthelier, quoted in Gress-Azzam (1990), reports that the mother tongue is part of the constitution of the personality. The values, the visions that an individual possesses are anchored in his mother tongue. "The mother tongue is an emotional and cultural mediator ... it conveys all the subjective, all the unconscious ... the development of language ... will depend on the process of socialization. "


The worldview, the ways of thinking and being are incorporated, internalized between language and life. 



According to Wagner (1991), adult literacy should be done only in the mother tongue of the learner because doing it in another language is anti-pedagogical. The learner needs "a social relation, to find the usefulness and the dynamism of his language through the contact and the heat of the communal links. ³ Programs should be offered in an environment that values ​​culture. "Literacy in one's mother tongue is as much about personal development as it is about the very survival of the community." 



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